Thursday, May 31, 2012

Checking in

Hey folks!

Still here. Working hard. Haven't felt like talking about writing.

Logged 8 hours on a story over the last two days. There is a contest entry due on the 6th of June I'm hoping to hit. Going slowly, but going well.

Anyway, back to it.


Friday, May 4, 2012

A kingdom for worms

My wife is playing video game right behind me, and a character just used the phrase "A kingdom of worms." I liked it.

Work is moving along. I've recently been introduced to a couple of neat writer's market websites. Kind of excited to find out there are as many outlets as there are for what I'm trying to put together.

My senior paper for my major is coming up due in 5 days, so its getting my attention right now. Looking forward to having it done.

Insights continue to flow on what writing is and isn't; more than that, I'm starting to have actual fun and not treating my time in the chair as a giant effort. Bringing something into the world requires labor, and labor is often painful and messy, but satisfying too. Maybe I'm getting more comfortable in the midwife role, learning to maintain the proper attitude to the work...

I guess I'm adapting to the crueler aspects of writing that I've cringed from in the past. Those awful minutes that tick by with nothing new or good on the page aren't the hope-killers they used to be. Rather, they seem to be the story's way of letting me know I've wandered from the path it needs to take.

New methods are starting to show up. I really want to finish the two I'm knee deep into right now so I can  try new techniques when beginning fresh projects. Actually, that's dumb: I can use these techniques now to help me finish the two I'm on.

Cool then: insight. I guess I'm going to go put an hour or so into my paper, and then maybe fool around with some fiction.
