I lied: I didn't come back yesterday with further information. Sadly, the only writing I did was in that blog entry.
This is disappointing but not really surprising. A pattern is in place for me to draw upon here, and it has been in a fairly steady format for more than a few years. My current behavior is falls very much within it, and that is fine. I understood there would be a need for observation and adaptation.
But I'm here, now. I'm talking about it and I care. I'm ashamed of myself for my failure, but I'm unashamed of admitting I am ashamed. A superior place to be than merely ashamed, I should think.
Anyway, less school and work tomorrow. Hopefully I can spill some words out of me, and hopefully the accidental pattern they make on the page will be pleasing to at least some degree. If not, I'll still try and swing through to bitch about my inadequacy, or try to rationalize it.
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