Thursday, March 22, 2012

Once more, into the breach!

Well party people, here we go again.

In my last entry I told you that I'd given up on a story I'd been thinking about for years. The central concept, however, I still believe in. I spent yesterday brainstorming a bit, and I've come up with a much better story to couch that central concept in.

Further developments: the need for a solid schedule is becoming more apparent to me. From now on, 7 days a week, I'm going to devote a solid hour a day to these efforts. That's not too much time, and I probably waste that much dicking around on Facebook anyway. Less Facebook, more creativity equals good. Morning or night? Not sure yet. It will be fluid for the time being, and we'll see what hour I find most productive. I'm not limiting myself to only an hour, but that will be the minimal expected from myself from now on.

An opening ritual is going to need to be created as well. Steve King said that certain passes are required for him to enter the writer space, and I see the value in that. I'll discuss this more as I develop it.

Other than that, so far so good. I'm producing very little solid work at the moment, but I'm learning quickly what does and doesn't work for me. More than that, I'm showing more commitment to this process than I ever have, and that is really gratifying. Anyway, I'll try and stop by in a bit with a 'later' edit and tell you how the new story is working so far.

Listen to this song, if you like. It relates to "The Holographic Moon" in a round about way. Very sad and terrible, to be honest...

edit: later

Went very well.

Very pleasing experience. An hour is a fair amount of time to ask of myself. The new story is going to take my central concept to much more interesting places; actually, I think it would be fair to say that now the story is going to be better than the central concept (assuming I can do it justice, of course).

One of these days I'm going to tell you folks about the reality bending powers of writing, and about the very real magic at work behind any act of creativity. Not now though.

I'm bushed. Time to play some video games.

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