Saturday, March 24, 2012

Two daughters and a beautiful wife

Greg technically only has one daughter, but its still apt...

Good morning folks! The writing is going well as of late, and damn if that ain't fine. It's sort of funny: I'd been kicking Holographic Moon around in my head for years now, saying That's the one, I just gotta write that one and then I'll be on my way. I had the whole thing worked out in my head, from characters to setting to dialog. But the damn thing would never work when I sat down. Now, after tearing the whole thing down to its barest conceptual levels, I'm practically sprinting through this story (I just jinxed myself I'm willing to bet you anything).

I guess what I'm learning is that, when centering a story around a concept rather than a neat character or a striking scene, its important to be sensitive to what the concept needs to express itself.  The story I had built in my head was drawn from my own experience with the visual component of the concept. This makes sense: it seems perfectly likely that when my executive function told my creative structures to come up with imagery (which is what a story often is until it gets filtered through words), it would pull from the most immediate images in relation to the conceptual catalyst (i.e. the night Cheryl and I went for a walk and saw the moon's image broken into billions of copies and reassembled in a thin sheet of ice floating in the atmosphere).  Unfortunately, the immediate images weren't particularly interesting, nor was much else in the story. To put it bluntly, if every character in my first concept was killed horrifically, I think any reader would have said 'good.' The women were bitches and the men were wusses (and my inner Jungian just squirmed a bit).

The new version will be more effective, I think...

Anyway, early morning writing is so-so: the sun is blaring in my face pretty viciously. Still, there's a symbolic component there I sort of like...maybe I should stock up on sun screen?  :-)

I owe myself at least an hour today, and I'm thinking it might happen in the hammock with pen and paper, scotch and cigar. First though, I have errands to run.

edit! lAteR

Sat down for my hour today and was at a loss for what to do. Edited pre-existing stuff.

Spent time in the hammock with scotch and cigar, figured out what happens next.


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