Thursday, March 29, 2012

Something I might need to recall from time.

Since I was a kid, my favorite band has been Tool. They took anger and directed it into something that was powerful not for its own sake (for anger is power; if you don't believe me than recall the Incredible Hulk, and then recall that comics are one of our meanest myth platforms running). Tool took their anger and targeted the place that inspired it, be it inside themselves or outside, and made beautiful weapons out of the things that could have made them weak.

I am an angry person. There are lots of other emotions running around in the ol' noggin, but anger has directed so many of my choices through my life. Frankly, I've been its victim too many times, with my decisions being often more destructive to myself than to the situations that created them.

Maybe its time to stop that. Maybe the feeling I'm afraid of, the reason I'm afraid of writing, is that it means tapping that boiling place in the bottom of my guts and bringing it up. That is a stupid thing to be afraid of (I am angry at that fear): by bringing it up with care and love it will turn to passion. Destructive passion, certainly, but directed into sick things in my life and in the world around me that need burning to the ground.

Anger might lead to the dark side (and can we really trust George Lucas's creativity at this point?) but one hand plays the white keys and black keys. The black notes are labeled "minor." This is a bad joke; they are the most moving and powerful notes when played properly. Their power makes them frightening, though, so we limit them in title and regard their emotional expressions as poisonous.

I'm angry about that too.

Let's take the anger out, then. Let's look at it honestly and break the black off and pull out the diamonds that are hiding inside.


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