Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Testing...Testing 1,2...

And so, from nothing but a gauzy and insubstantial notion combined with the neural-network that is the  interwebz, another blog is born. As a statement of intent, I'd like this blog to be a running journal on my attempts at being a serious fiction writer. I'm really embarrassed to admit that I'm attempting that, but there it is.

Its something I've wanted for myself for a long time, but haven't been able to cook up the right combination of gumption, talent, and discipline into a stew that would sustain the process of bringing a single decent piece to completion. There have been an awful lot of half-finished stories over the last eight years or so, and a lot of frustration and swearing off of the urge to sit in front of a blank page or computer screen and tell a story. Not a lot to show for it either. A published excerpt in a small magazine is really the best I've got to brag about, and thats sort of like bragging that your band opened for a band that opened for Motley Crue.

Whatever. I'm still going to give it another shot. A really serious one this time.

None of my efforts will be popping up here, though. I'm going to use this blog as a venue to talk about writing. The magic of writing; the work of writing; the joys and pains of writing. Hopefully it will help keep me motivated and on task, though there is a distinct possibility that there will be a handful of further additions before I give up this effort and decided to take up dance as a new hobby and passion. I hope that doesn't happen though.

I'll be back later today. We'll see how me and the page are getting along...

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